daya Trading Company invites you to get the best Fruit concentrates

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Kiwi Fruit Concentrate Manufacturers

What you will read in this article....

Get the Best Kiwi Concentrate From usWe are Proud to be the Largest Producer of High Quality KiwisBig Business Kiwi with Amazing Profits

These days Kiwi fruit concentrates are being exported in bulk. Some juice and drinking factories buy kiwi concentrates in bulk to make products with new tastes and flavors. The concentrate industry reduces the cost of packaging, shipping, and storage. Due to the great demand for Iranian kiwi concentrate, a great deal of its production is being exported to other countries. Our company is proud to produce various fruit concentrates for a variety of customers around the world.

Kiwi Fruit Concentrate Manufacturers

Get the Best Kiwi Concentrate From us

Get the Best Kiwi Concentrate From us

Producing high quality concentrates is not an accident and it depends on the experiences of a producer. Kiwi concentrate should be made out of large and ripe kiwi fruits. So, high quality products begin with fruit supply. We have been working with professional farmers supplying us with high quality kiwis. Later on, the fruits are taken for storage. The fruits should be stored on metal sheets with proper ventilation. The storerooms are designed in a way that prevents inappropriate pressure on fruits. However, in order to avoid the spoilage of kiwi fruits, the storage time before making concentrate fluctuates between 12 and 48 hours.

Then, dust, sands, leaves, and other types of wastes should be removed from the surfaces of fruits. The remains of insecticides also should be washed away. In doing so, the washing process and sterilization start with unloading fruit in a large water pool. Most of the dust and sands settle down in this stage. The fruits are then graded based on their quality and size. Following this stage, kiwis are chopped into smaller pieces. Then the pieces of fruits are heated to avoid color change. After this, the stage of separating water from kiwis starts. Various types of pressing are used to extract water from fruits. Then the outcome is going to be heated in order to evaporate the water. All the mentioned processes are being followed under the supervision of health specialists.

finally, they also should be stored and packaged in proper containers. The packaging process is also important in retaining the original properties of a product. Different types of packages are being used in packaging kiwi concentrates including glass containers, metal containers (iron or aluminum), carton containers.

We are Proud to be the Largest Producer of High Quality Kiwis

We are Proud to be the Largest Producer of High Quality Kiwis

Fruit concentration is a method that facilitates supplying fruits for long period, so the waste of fruits is avoided. Concentrates usually have the original value of fruits provided that the correct process is followed. We have tried our best to provide a good-looking and bright-colored concentrate. The taste of concentrate must be delightful and it should feel fresh.

Embracing the latest breakthroughs and technologies regarding concentrate making has made our company the largest concentrate producer available in the market. Strict hygienic standards that we apply during our production process have resulted in reliable products for juice and drinking factories.

We have tried our best to cover a wide range of fruits in our activities including concentrated peach, apple, pomegranate, sour or tart cherry, sweet cherry, orange, strawberry, and apricot. Our products come in different forms, for example, frozen peach concentrate is a favorite product for many of our loyal customers. peach health benefits and its favorable taste and flavor have encouraged many factories to use it in a wide range of products.

Big Business Kiwi with Amazing Profits

Big Business Kiwi with Amazing Profits Businesses related to Kiwi have experienced growth in recent years. whether it is concentrate or other types of producing activities, a great demand has emerged in the market for kiwi related products. Accordingly, we have invested in producing high quality kiwi concentrate. Our experts are ready to keep you updated on various kiwi business questions via your contact information. We have planed to provide our customers with free consult because deep down we believe that our customers should experience a very comfortable and enjoyable purchase.

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daya Trading Company invites you to get the best Fruit concentrates

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